
It is important to achieve a high level of security during carrying out online banking processes. Here is our advice for staying safe while managing your money online.

Tips for secure online banking

Have a strong password and keep it safe

For a password to be strong, it should be at least 8 characters long and include lowercase and uppercase letters with a number, and a special character. In case your personal computer or mobile device is misplaced or hacked, you shouldn’t store your password or PIN for any financial institution including Trivebank International on your computer.

Ensure your computer is up to date

To protect your computer from malicious software, keep it updated by the use of anti-virus programs and a firewall, as these software store and use data in order to prevent criminal activities aimed at your computer.

Don’t use public computers

For security purposes, avoid using “public access” computers (like those in internet cafes, hostels or copy shops) for secure transactions. These computers make easy targets for malicious software.

Beware of phishing and pharming

Any attempt to get your password or login credentials by sending fraudulent emails, text messages or through fake websites is called phishing. Although these deceptive emails or websites look like they are valid, you should not click on any of the links in suspicious marketing materials.

We don’t recommend you to submit any of your personal information on a website which starts with “http://”, instead of “https://”. To ensure you are 100% safe, always look for a small lock symbol on the left of the site name in your browser.

A further developed form of phishing is pharming, which refers to any attempt by a malicious software to change the settings on a computer to redirect web traffic to a website -even if you enter the correct address. Protect your computer against these activities by using up-to-date anti-virus programs and keeping your firewall active.

Stick to WPA2

To prevent any intrusion by cyber criminals, it’s essential for the WiFi you use to be secured with WPA2 security. Keep in mind that the risk of compromising your personal data is higher while using public WiFi networks.

Keep an eye on your account

To take action immediately in case of any unrecognized transactions, check your account’s activity on a regular basis. In such an event you should promptly inform us by calling us at xxxxxxxx or emailing us at

Protect your mobile phone privacy

Secure your smartphone or your mobile device by lock codes or your fingerprint, regularly update your mobile operating system as needed, be aware of any new unfamiliar apps, disable any WiFi connection with public access while connecting to your bank and always protect your passwords.